May 28, 2009 7 comments


No Tears to display,
But have eyes to show.
No Tension to evoke,
But have a mind to react.
No Pains to take,
But have a body to feel.
No Words to talk,
But have a mouth to shout.
No Talks  to listen,
But have a heart to hear.
No Goals to achieve,
But have a soul to compete.
At last,
But I'm missing SOMETHING!!!!
That's U & ONLY YOU!!!!
May 26, 2009 4 comments


Posted by Picasa
May 19, 2009 9 comments


What I want is a friend, a new friend. Someone I have never met before, to start all over again with. Someone who knows nothing about me and I know nothing about him/her, so we cannot judge each other based on what other people say about us.

I want a friend I can trust and who I can talk to openly with about anything and everything.

Someone to get to know the real 'me' for who 'I' am. And it wouldn't be just a one way friendship. I would listen and care for my new friend as well. I don't judge that’s not me.

I would help with any problems he/she have and try my best to cheer him/her up when he/she is down. Even better if he/she is pissed off and just want to vent I will listen and take whatever he/she dish out.

But I think what I want the most is to be accepted and wanted. I want someone to truly care what happens to me.

I honestly don't have a best friend, I mean I do but I don't have just that one friend who is my closest friend.I did but she replaced me with someone else...That hurt too.

I just wish I could have that one friend that won't betray me and just be there for me.

So the SEARCH begins......& I know I'll find him/her......


I asked you if you liked me,
you said no.
I asked you if I was good,
you said no.
I asked you if I was in your heart,
you said no.

I asked you if you would cry if I walked away,
you said no.
So I walked away,

you grabbed my arm and said:

I dont like you,but I love you,
you're not good,but you are the best,
you are not in my heart,but you are my heart
and I wouldnt cry if you walked away, I would die...

May 7, 2009 4 comments

A symbol that ll change u & ur love



God made the world with a heart full of love,

Then He looked down from Heaven above,

And saw that we all need a helping hand,

Someone to share with, who'll understand.

He made special people to see us through

The glad times and the sad times, too;

A person on whom we can always depend,

Someone we can call a friend.

God made friends so we'll carry a part

Of His perfect love in all our hearts.



Dear Friend 

How r u?I just had to send a note to tell u how much I care about u.

I saw u yesterday as u r talking with Ur friends. I waited all day hoping u would want to talk with me too. I gave u a sunset to close Ur day & a cool breeze to rest u & I waited. You never came to me but I still LOVE u becoz I am Ur friend.
I saw u sleeping last night & longed to touch ur brow. So I spread moon light upon ur face. Again I waited wanting to rush down so we could talk. I have many gifts for u. U awoke & rushed up to work. 
My tears were in the rain.
If u would only listen to me I LOVE U. I tried to tell in blue skies & in the quiet green grass. I whispered leaves on trees & breath it in colors of flowers, shout it to u in mountain streams. 
Give the birds love songs to sing. 
I clothe u with warm sunshine & perfume the air with nature’s scent.
My love for u is deeper than the ocean & bigger than the biggest need in Ur heart.
Ask  me , talk with me .Please  don’t forget me.I won’t hassle u any further. IT’S YOUR DECISION.
I have chosen U & I still wait –becoz I LOVE U.


The sun sets
Upon the golden sand
We sit together
Hand in hand

We gently embrace
And look into each other's eyes
I wonder if you are
An angel in disguise

You hold me
Like there's no tomorrow
I suddenly forget
The past sorrow

Your touch is so gentle
But your hands so strong
How could a love like this
Ever go wrong?

I kiss your soft lips
And you kiss mine
I never knew
Loving someone could be this fine

I look into your eyes
And this is when
I say "Thank You"
For teaching me to love again.


Love me without fear
Trust me without questioning
Need me without demanding
Want me without restrictions
Accept me without change
Desire me without inhibitions
For a love so free ...
Will never fly away.



Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, 
who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, 
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, 
who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. 
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... 
The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...MY FOREVER FRIEND..  is ur real love...
