What I want is a friend, a new friend. Someone I have never met before, to start all over again with. Someone who knows nothing about me and I know nothing about him/her, so we cannot judge each other based on what other people say about us.

I want a friend I can trust and who I can talk to openly with about anything and everything.

I would help with any problems he/she have and try my best to cheer him/her up when he/she is down. Even better if he/she is pissed off and just want to vent I will listen and take whatever he/she dish out.

But I think what I want the most is to be accepted and wanted. I want someone to truly care what happens to me.

I honestly don't have a best friend, I mean I do but I don't have just that one friend who is my closest friend.I did but she replaced me with someone else...That hurt too.

I just wish I could have that one friend that won't betray me and just be there for me.

Dear Friend
How r u?I just had to send a note to tell u how much I care about u.